If you ever wanted to learn to play the piano but didn't know where to start, give us a call, we may be able to help you. Sometimes an electronic keyboard can be an economical way to begin, but if you want the real deal, we can help line you up with a good quality used piano or a reputable dealer who sells both new and used pianos.
For anyone who seriously wants to learn, there are more avenues today than there ever was -- and they don't have to involve spending a fortune. Internet courses, DVDs, music software programs and teachers who use a variety of old and new techniques have opened up a whole new realm of instruction and music appreciation.
The official site of the National Piano Foundation, located at pianonet.com, is one place to start. The site includes a section where you can search for piano teachers in your area. You're local piano store is another key source. Another is the WikiHow site on How to Play the Piano. The amazing thing about any musical instrument is that the degree of mastery you obtain is generally proportionate to the amount of time you spend practicing. Practice is, by-and-large, the single most important factor in learning to play, whether you learn on your own or whether you take lessons from someone else. If Rensberry Piano can help you achieve your goals, call or send us an e-mail.