The impulse to make music or simply to enjoy and listen to it is as old as civilization itself. But while every instrument lends its own unique contribution to the world's chorus of sound, but nothing beats the breadth, emotion and power that can come from a piano at the hands of a skilled player.
The beauty of a piano is that there is such a vast number of skill levels that can be employed to create a beautiful piece of music, from simple melodies to improvised pieces and pop songs, to full-scale concertos and concert piano performances. If you've ever thought about playing or purchasing a piano and could use from advise from someone whose life has pretty much been wrapped around this amazing instrument from an early age, please don't hesitate to send an email to You can also reach me at 618-654-1585. I may not able to answer all your questions, but I'll do my best to point you in the right direction. -- Steve Rensberry, Piano Tuner/Technician